“I believe that I have been given the great honor to find unique ways to uncover and unfold the stories of Black America through music. This commission will allow Brian and I to dive deeper into uncovering these stories that deserve to be told. This project is not only an investment in me as an artist, but is an investment in the dire need for music, right now, to reflect the various underrepresented communities in this nation. There are so many more stories to tell from the past and the present and I look forward to telling one of them with Brian as my collaborator.
Here to Represent!
This commission serves as a contribution to the representation of composers and performers from Underrepresented Racial, Ethnic, or Cultural Heritages in both orchestral repertoire and solo repertoire within the flute community.
This project is fiscally sponsored through the SLC Arts, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in Potsdam, St. Lawrence County, New York State. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.